


DC by Design Blog does an article about Morgan Howarth photography

When it comes to using pictures on a blog, most of us rely on our amateur point-and-shoot skills to bring you an image of a beautiful room. At times photos are provided, or we snatch them from elsewhere on the Web. But none of us, I think, ever has the money to actually hire a photographer to shoot a house for us so we can blog about it.

That’s why I was so excited when Morgan Howarth called me recently. He was one of our best photographers from Washington Spaces, who probably shot more covers than anyone else. He teaches a class on architectural photography, and he wanted to know if I knew of any beautiful spaces that he could bring his class to shoot. His students get practice, and I could get free, professional-grade photography, all orchestrated by him.

Well, twist my arm, Morgan. Stay tuned for blog posts in the next week or two that will feature his students’ photography. In the meantime, I wanted to share some of his work — any of you who have ever snapped a room knows how difficult it is to make a picture translate the from what you see with your own eyes. Morgan just makes them sing.